

Strategies to use:

  • State Legislation

  • Country/Government Legislation

  • Site Identification

  • Stakeholders agreement

  • Residents

  • Financiers

  • Investors

  • Government officials

  • Equitable taxation

  • Elimination of Entitlements

  • Master Planning

  • Zoning Enforcement

Countries currently dedicate large tracts of land for conservation. want the same type of laws to apply except instead of no-development, all stakeholders determine the roadmap for development. Yes, the government's job, but like conservationists, the government needs our help. Like Planned Developments and Communities in the USA and throughout the world, governments support and laws are needed. While a whole country could determine that “Green Development” is required going forward, it is not going to happen countrywide. A country never protects every inch of land for conservation. So business people step in to fill the void with planned communities and districts.

SID.City require new laws (sometimes contrary to existing laws) to properly stimulate the desired results. Examples:

Do not allow indigenous to sell property without partnership interest sharing in a "forever revenue/tax stream". It is not a matter of who is selling/buying for the highest price, but who offers the best long-term growth/revenue potential.

SID.City works with indigenous land holders to provide long-term residual income after property is sold through deed restrictions/contracts associated with the developed land.

Any property sold within the SID would be required to pay property taxes based on the market value. The entitlement concept is especially written out of the SID. As property values rise, you don’t have to do anything with your property, but your taxes will continue to go up. This stimulates growth. Just because your parents could afford the house does not mean that you could or that you are entitled to it. No-entitlement concept has worked in the USA and was key in the development of the United States since the beginning.

For native citizens selling to native citizens, local laws would apply. But once property is sold outside of local residents/indigenous, the SID regulations would apply. It could make local residents very rich. Unlike in the US, whereas we just took all the land from the Indians. Sustainable Independent Districts, SID are equitable.

Light Rail only, no automobiles. No highways.

Use the rivers for transportation.