

General Objetives:

Developing a Sustainable Independent District involves collaboration among different stakeholders, such as the public sector, private sector, and the local community. These are some general objectives that as an organization we want to be able to achieve in each SID:

Sustainable urban planning and design: Consider how land will be used, how residents will get around, how waste will be managed, and how energy and water will be delivered.

Renewable Energy: Find ways to generate renewable energy in the district, such as through solar panels or wind turbines.

Sustainable transport: Promote the use of sustainable transport, bicycles and walking, reducing the need for private vehicles.

Efficient buildings: Use sustainable construction techniques and materials to ensure that buildings are energy efficient.

Waste management: Implement efficient waste management systems and waste recycling.

Community Involvement: Involve the community in the district's planning and development process, and ensure that their needs and concerns are considered.

Measure and monitor: regularly measure and monitor the environmental impact and the effectiveness of the measures implemented to ensure that sustainability objectives are being met.ad.

Each sustainable independent district is different based on the specific needs and challenges of the community and environment. However, some objectives that could be relevant for the development of these SIDs are:

Take measures to protect and conserve the natural ecosystems of the community and its surroundings, such as the restoration of mangroves, the creation of conservation zones and the sustainable management of natural resources.

Seek to improve access to basic services, such as drinking water, sanitation and electricity, for communities.

Work to promote sustainable agricultural practices and the conservation of natural resources in the region, with the aim of improving the food security of communities.

Find ways to strengthen the local economy, through the promotion of small businesses and the generation of sustainable jobs.

Improve access to sustainable transportation for the communities where the SIDs are carried out, encouraging people to use sustainable transportation by reducing the need for private vehicles.

Improve people's health through environmental health measures, such as pollution control and access to green spaces.

Encourage community participation in the planning and development process, ensuring that the needs and concerns of the communities are considered in all decisions.