Sustainable Independent Districts

What is a sustainable district?

A sustainable district is a geographical area, usually within a city or town, that has been designed and built with the aim of reducing its environmental impact and improving the quality of life of its residents. This can include measures such as the construction of buildings with high energy efficiency standards, the promotion of public transport and cycling, the creation of green spaces and parks, and the implementation of sustainable technologies for waste treatment and water supply and electricity. The goal is to develop a self-sufficient community, free of pollution and respectful of the environment.

What is a Community Development District?

Community Development Districts (CDDs) are geographic areas that have been established with the goal of fostering the economic development and revitalization of communities. These districts can be created by local or state governments, and are often run by community organizations, non-profit entities, or business groups.

A community development district can include a variety of features, such as commercial zones, affordable housing, parks and green areas, facilities for events and cultural projects, and public services such as schools and libraries. They may also include a focus on environmental sustainability, including renewable energy solutions, waste and water management infrastructure, and promotion of sustainable mobility.

The purpose is to improve the quality of life of local communities through economic development and the creation of opportunities for residents. They often have a strong focus on citizen participation and collaboration between different sectors and groups in the community.

For example, in a community development district you can look for projects that generate employment, promote education, culture, and help strengthen the community, etc.

USA based Community Development Districts (CDDs) have provided for the development of some of the most successful communities in Florida and South Carolina: Disney World, Fishhawk Ranch, Lakewood Ranch and Daniel Island. 

Enabled by government legislation and built by local communities, entrepreneurs and businesses, these districts provide some of the best public schools in the United States. I live in one such area where within less than two miles are two elementary schools with 1,000 students each, a middle school with 1,300 students and high school with 3,000 students. 

Community Development Districts (CDD) are governmental units created to serve the long-term specific needs of its community. A CDD’s main powers are to plan, finance, construct, operate and maintain community-wide infrastructure and services specifically for the benefit of its residents.

Environmental Groups have been very successful throughout the world in preserving land for the preservation of our species. Governments have needed help to secure these lands and these environmental organizations delivered the skills and knowledge needed to preserve large tracts of our lands.

Sustainable Independent Districts (SIDs) are an enhancement of these Community Development Districts (CCDs) to include sustainable technologies.  Sustainable Independent Districts (SIDs) bring together environmental concerns with sustainable growth. 

Wealth can be created in many ways: control, exploitation, persistence and creativity. The great wealths of today all started with creativity and imagination. Pencil and Paper, an idea.